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Panda Bowmen      WA 80 cm archery target

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Panda Bowmen Club championship awards 2024

Following the 2024 Club Championship held in September, a wide selection of awards were given out, mostly at the club's annual general meeting, where the winners were presented with their awards by club president Keith Harrison.

Anthony won the Tommy Swindells tankard for coming second in Men's Recurve.

Paul took home several bits of silverware - a plaque for coming first in the Men's Compound, the appropriately-named Gold Cup for scoring the most golds, and the Michael Reed trophy for coming 2nd on handicap adjusted score.

Phil won the Horn for coming 3rd in Men's Recurve.

Rachel won both the Silver Tray for coming second in the Women's Recurve, and the Silver Vase for scoring Most Blues.

Rosemary won the Simpsons Cup for coming first in the Women's Recurve, and the Gold Woman Archer trophy for Best Gold.

Mark won the Troglodyte trophy for Most Blacks, as well as the coveted Wooden Eggcup for Most Greens (misses).

Nick was awarded the Cock of the Club trophy for coming 1st in Men's Recurve, and the Archery GB Handicap medal and plaque for achieving the biggest handicap improvement.

Anthony, Duncan, John, Nick, Paul, Phil and Rosemary were additionally awarded certificates as they all achieved a new classification. Well done everyone!