The Panda Diary
Panda puts on various tournaments throughout the year. The dates of upcoming tournaments will be posted in the News section when known.
Colin Bowes New Year’s Day Clout Shoot
Free entry to all, open to our local clubs, just turn up and shoot.
Try out that new equipment you got for Christmas.
Colin Bowes was for many years a stalwart member of Panda, running courses for beginners, coaching members and generally being very active as a club member. Colin and his son Simon chose to shoot a clout round on New Year's Day each year - other members joined them and in time it became a Panda tradition. Following Colin's death some years ago his widow presented to Panda a trophy to be awarded at the clout shoot - hence, the New Year's Day shoot is held in honour of Colin.
All distances catered for, from 80 to 180 yards.
As the name suggests and a one way Longbow Western Round (for an explanation of the different rounds, click here).
Cuban Chase
The founding principle of this competition is to encourage club members to try an alternative bow type (barebow) in a fun competition. As some members of the club have embraced and are used to shooting this bow style an alternative system for deciding the winner is used, that allows those less used to shooting this bow style. The winner's prize is a bottle of Cuban rum, and there are many spot prizes.
Western Round, shot to BLBS (British Longbow Society) rules.
Lots of fun, chaos and confusion.
Chris Wright Handicap Tournament This is for full club
members only, and usually held in August. This is shot on Handicap. Chris was the founder of Panda
Duncan Agnew was the winner of the 2024 shoot. Well done Duncan! Club Championship Shoot Every September - open to all members, full and
associate. The results of the 2024 shoot are available here, while photos of the awards from the
shoot being given out can be viewed here.