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Panda Bowmen      WA 80 cm archery target

Have a Go and Beginners

Panda Bowmen Panda Taster Sessions

A bookable taster session is planned for 9.30am to 11.30am on Saturday 29th March 2025. Places are limited. Cost £10 per person, half is deductible from the beginners' course fee - see below for planned course dates. Use this form to book a place.

If you’re looking to organise a social activity or team building event, why not consider archery?

We can provide archery sessions to suit your needs, including target archery, field archery and clout shooting.

It can be as competitive or relaxed as you like. Whatever you need, we can help.

For more information please contact us.

Panda Bowmen Beginners

The club occasionally runs beginners' courses, which are intended to get you up to a skill level which satisfies the course tutors that you can shoot safely and enjoyably.

On successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate after which you can apply for club membership with Panda or any other Archery GB club.

For safety and insurance reasons, beginners cannot shoot indoors. All coaching takes place outdoors.

Panda Bowmen Course dates in 2025

We will be running a beginners' course of five 3-hour sessions on the following dates:

Saturdays 5th April - 3rd May 2025, with 10th May in reserve if a session has to be cancelled because of bad weather.

Each session starts at 9.00am and finishes around 12 midday. The fee for the five sessions training :-

Senior £60.00 Juniors £35.00

Minors (under 16 years) must be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult at all times. We follow the Archery GB guidelines on the protection of children and vulnerable adults.

Please download, complete and send the booking form to book your place(s).

If you have any queries please contact our coach Anthony Hilton, e-mail  archerycoach@tinshill.f9.co.uk

Panda Bowmen Equipment

We advise beginners against buying bows and arrows immediately. It's best to complete the club's archery course and gain some experience in using the equipment before making a purchase, otherwise you could buy equipment that is not suitable for you.

This is especially likely to happen if you go to a general sports shop or fishing tackle shop rather than a specialist archery dealer.

The club has a number of bows and sets of arrows that beginners may use, and coaches will advise on what equipment will suit you.

If you already have a bow and arrows, please bring them. Please note that our facilities are not suitable for crossbows.

Archery equipment can be expensive, but you needn't break the bank. A decent starter kit (bow, 8 arrows, string, sight, hard case and accessories) can be bought for around £140. Bargains can be found online, especially on eBay, but buying online is risky if you don't have experience of archery equipment.

Panda Bowmen Other equipment

Beginners are advised to purchase an arm guard (also known as a bracer) and a finger tab at an early point. It's not necessary to do this during the beginners course or your first few sessions as a full member, since the club has a number of arm guards and tabs that you can use.

These items can be obtained from an archery shop, for example Quicks or Archery World. These items are inexpensive and last for years.

Panda Bowmen Technical Terms for Beginners

Click here to see a diagram of a bow with labelled parts.

Panda Bowmen Clothing

All beginners shoot outdoors until the five-week course is completed. This means that you should wear clothing appropriate to the conditions. You are advised to wear clothing that is warm and not too loose (since loose clothing can catch on the bow string).

You are advised to bring a waterproof top or cagoule in case of rain. When choosing footwear, bear in mind that you'll be walking on grass (often wet and muddy) and your toes must be covered. No sandals, even on the best summer day.

Panda Bowmen Weather

Because of the nature of our ground (a rugby pitch), we do not shoot outdoors in heavy rain. This may mean that the beginners course is cancelled in bad weather. If in doubt, phone us on the day and we will advise.

Panda Bowmen Age

There is no upper age limit in archery - some people continue well into their eighties.

There is no hard-and-fast lower age limit either, but we've found that 10 years old is a sensible lower limit. Children younger than 10 sometimes struggle physically to control a bow, and children under 7 often don't understand the safety instructions. If in doubt, our coaches can assess the child's suitability at a special session.

Panda Bowmen Disabilities and medical conditions

Archery is a very accessible sport for people with disabilities and medical conditions. Our coaches have a good understanding of the needs of people with various conditions, and will be able to get you shooting safely and enjoyably.

Panda Bowmen Protection of children and vulnerable adults

Our national association has issued some guidelines on the protection of children and vulnerable adults. We follow these guidelines.

We require that a parent or guardian accompanies children under 16 years of age throughout the duration of the beginners course.

At least two adults must be present, at least one of whom must be a member of the Grand National Archery Society.

Children aged 14 years or over may shoot only if there are at least two adults present. These adults may be club members, parents or guardians. At least one of these adults must be a member of the Grand National Archery Society.

The parents or guardians of any children who are to attend the beginners course must read and sign a consent form.

This form can be obtained in advance.

Similar considerations apply to vulnerable adults. The exact rules will depend on the nature and severity of the vulnerability.