Members Page
You can download the constitution here.
Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting takes place every November - the exact date will be announced on the News page. All current members at the time will receive an email invite to the meeting.
Committee Meetings
Committee meetings take place via Zoom once every six to eight weeks.
These meetings are open to all club members to attend as observers. This means that if you are interested to hear how the club is run, what is talked about at committee, and how our discussion goes, you are welcome to join us.
Attending as an observer means that you will not be able to speak at the meeting, or take part in any vote. But you will be able to listen in and learn about some of the "behind the scenes" things that are involved in running the club.
If you are interested in attending, please contact the club secretary at secretary@panda-bowmen.co.uk
The minutes of recent meetings can be read below:
To obtain a classification you need to shoot three rounds at a particular classification. Click here to see Archery GB's web page about outdoor classifications and handicaps.
Score sheets
There are usually score sheets available at the club, however if you would like to print some off yourself at home, you can do so by clicking here.
During the winter months we often shoot Portsmouth rounds, which are traditionally considered to be an indoor round, though in recent years we have been shooting it outdoors. You can find the score sheets for this here.
Club records
For club records click here.
Club Shirts
The club shirts pictured below are available. For details and to order, contact Anthony at records@panda-bowmen.co.uk
Click here to download the order form